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Gold River Messenger

Volunteer Award Nominations Now Open

Jan 14, 2025 09:34AM ● By Sacramento County News Release

The Sacramento County Adult and Aging Commission is accepting applications for its “5 Over 50” Volunteer Award through Feb. 7. Photo courtesy of Sacramento County

SACRAMENTO COUNTY, CA (MPG) - The Sacramento County Adult and Aging Commission is now taking applications for its “5 Over 50” Volunteer Award.

If you know someone who makes Sacramento County a better place to live and is 50 years old or older, now is your chance to celebrate them. Each year, the “5 Over 50” Volunteer Award recognizes outstanding members of our community.

The “5 Over 50” Awards will be presented during a Sacramento County Board of Supervisors meeting in May. The award is presented in May to coincide with Older Americans Month. Five nominees will receive the award, with one person selected from each district within Sacramento County. 

Nominees must be 50 years old or older, actively involved in volunteer work, and residents of Sacramento County. Two letters of reference are required as part of the application. Applications are due Friday, Feb. 7. 

If you know someone who meets the criteria and has made an impact in Sacramento County, nominate them for the “5 Over 50” Volunteer Award. Learn more about the application process and access the form by visiting the Adult and Aging Commission website at,

Sacramento County's Adult and Aging Commission members look forward to celebrating the winners. Winners will also be featured on Sacramento County’s website and YouTube channel.