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Gold River Messenger

Don’t Let Fats, Oils and Grease Ruin Holiday Cheer

Dec 03, 2024 02:53PM ● By Sacramento Area Sewer District News Release

Keep your holidays and the sewer system running smoothly by properly disposing of fats, oils and grease. Photo courtesy of Sacramento Are Sewer District

SACRAMENTO, CA (MPG) - As the holiday season approaches, the Sacramento Area Sewer District (SacSewer) is urging residents to help prevent sewer backups, a common yet costly and disruptive issue that peaks during this time of year.

Improper disposal of fats, oils and grease (F.O.G.) often leads to blockages, which can result in unpleasant sewer backups that disrupt holiday gatherings. To help keep festivities running smoothly, SacSewer reminds the community to follow two simple steps, can it and scrape it, for safe fats, oils and grease disposal. 

Can it. Once cooled, put hardened fats, oils and grease into a sturdy container such as a leftover soup can. Then put the container in the garbage.

Scrape it. Scrape all food scraps, including fatty and greasy leftovers, into the organics cart, not down the drain.

When fats, oils and grease containing items from holiday cooking, such as food scraps, gravies and oils, go down kitchen sink drains and garbage disposals, they can cause blockages in sewer pipes that lead to overflows. Fats, oils and grease cools and solidifies, sticking to the sewer pipes. Over time, fats, oils and grease restrict sewage flow and can cause a sewer backup into customers’ homes and businesses.

For large amounts of cooking oil, such as what’s needed for deep-fried turkeys, pour the cooled liquid oil back into gallon jugs and make sure the lid is screwed on or taped shut. Check with your local waste service provider to determine the proper disposal method or visit for a listing of local fats, oils and grease recycling sites. 

For more tips on proper fats, oils and grease disposal, visit

Are you experiencing a sewer problem, such as a slow drain or backup? Call SacSewer 24 hours a day, seven days a week, even on holidays, at 916-875-6730.  

The Sacramento Area Sewer District (SacSewer) is the Sacramento region’s largest sewage collection, treatment and resource recovery utility, providing service to more than 1.6-million residents. The second largest sewage collection utility in California, the Sacramento Area Sewer District owns and operates the second largest water resource recovery facility of its kind in the nation, the EchoWater Resource Recovery Facility near Elk Grove. Learn more at