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SacCounty Regional Parks Launches New Mobile App

Nov 29, 2023 03:06PM ● By Sacramento County News Release

SACRAMENTO COUNTY, CA (MPG) - Visitors to Sacramento County's Regional Parks now have a new way to explore County parks and access information about our parks and trails, right from their mobile devices. Using the Outerspatial platform, Regional Parks' new mobile application is free and available for iPhone and Android users.

Visitors can use the app to:

Plan a visit to a park and make the most of their visit once there; Navigate through our parks; Discover new places; Locate parking, restrooms, picnic areas and other park amenities; Access information about ecological, geological and historical points of interest; Receive notifications about hazards, closures and other timely information; Follow outings selected by Regional Parks staff; Share experiences and photos and connect with others who love the outdoors (our parks)

“We are fortunate to have such a vast Regional Parks system, but we understand that having so many recreational and open space options can be a lot to explore,” said Liz Bellas, Director of Regional Parks. “From the Dry Creek Parkway to the American River Parkway and down into the Delta, this app is a new and innovative way for us to help park visitors explore and connect with our parks and other park visitors.”

In addition to all of the great features listed above, visitors will also have the ability to compete periodic challenges, designed by park staff, with the opportunity to win prizes!

To learn more about the app, visit the Regional Parks website. The app is available for free in the Apple App Store and the Google Play Store (for Android devices).