Hands on for Crafty Christmas
Nov 15, 2023 04:15PM ● By Susan Maxwell Skinner
come bearing gifts for the annual St John the Evangelist School’s Christmas fair,
December 1, 2, and 3 in Carmichael. Photo by Susan Maxwell Skinner
SACRAMENTO REGION, CA (MPG) - St John the Evangelist School’s blowout – “A Holiday Show of Hands” – will ensure a crafty Christmas for thousands of shoppers on December 1, 2 and 3.
Now in its 45th year and boasting more than 150 vendors, the market annually fills the entire Locust Avenue campus with up to 10,000 guests. Proceeds benefit the Catholic school.
Entrepreneurism annually soars during the fundraiser. Wares range from funky sweaters to metal sculptures and glittering ornaments. A preview (4-9 pm on December 1) requires an admission fee, but Saturday and Sunday browsing is free. Doors open at 9 am on both weekend days.
Organizers have this year added a prize opportunity for admission; guests will be included in a draw for a $100 Visa gift card. A silent auction will offer hundreds of items; bids close on Sunday afternoon. Santa and Mother Claus will visit from 11 am to 2 pm, Saturday and Sunday.
The fair’s gourmet pavilion has been enlarged to include more food vendors. “December is a cold month, so hot toddies and Sister Margaret’s famous Irish coffee will take the chill off,” promises organizer Pat Holbus. Home-cooked lasagna and other hot dishes will be available as sit-down or take-out meals throughout the event. The fair offers a gift wrap service and Carmichael’s Boulevard Coffee will host an Espresso bar, with specialty coffees.
St John the Evangelist School is located at 5701 Locust Avenue, in Carmichael. Because fair traffic clogs surrounding streets, free shuttles will run from Carmichael Elks Lodge parking lot to St John’s Church.
“People come here from all over Sacramento – even from out of state,” says Pat Holbus. “Our market is a Sacramento tradition. It’s a weekend that says Christmas is here at last.”
For information, call (916) 481-8845. Or visit www.holidayshowofhands.com